IAB Australia member code

IAB Australia members access the course for free. To access your code, visit the IAB events discounts page by logging into the IAB Australia website. Once you've copied the code return to the enrollment page and select the button on the left. .

Course curriculum

2 hours of learning (including short quizzes)

  • 1

    Course introduction - defining retail media

    • 1-1. course introduction video

    • 1-2. iab's foundations of retail media

    • 1-3. course downloads

    • 1-4. tell us why you are taking this course

    • 1-5. defining retail media video

    • 1-6. end of session quiz

  • 2

    Historical context of retail media

    • 2-1. welcome to historical context

    • 2-2. historical context video

    • 2-3. end of session quiz

  • 3

    Retail media ecosystem

    • 3-1. introduction to the retail media ecosystem

    • 3-2. ecosystem video

    • 3-3. end of session 3 quiz

  • 4

    Types and formats

    • 4-1. introduction to formats

    • 4-2. types and formats video

    • 4-3. case studies

    • 4-4. end of session 4 quiz

  • 5

    Targeting capabilities

    • 5-1. introduction to targeting capabilities in retail media

    • 5-2. targeting capabilities video

    • 5-3. end of session 5 quiz

  • 6

    Use of data

    • 6-1. introduction to use of data in retail media

    • 6-2. data clean room video

    • 6-3. end of session 6 quiz

  • 7

    Retail media value chain

    • 7-1. Introduction to retail media value chain

    • 7-2. retail media programmatic value chain video

    • 7-3. end of session 7 quiz

  • 8

    Future trends (part 1)

    • 8-1. introduction to future trends (part 1)

    • 8-2. Future Trends (part1)

    • 8-3. end of session 8 quiz

  • 9

    Future trends (part 2)

    • 9-1. introduction to future trends (part 2)

    • 9-2. future trends (part 2)

    • 9-3. end of session 9 quiz

  • 10

    Wrap up

    • 10-1. welcome to the wrap up

    • 10-2. wrap up video

  • 11

    Where to next?

    • 11-1. end of course survey

    • 11-2. keep your study journey going!